Photographic Safaris

Explore the captivating realm of wildlife photography below with hints, tips and group trips for safari photography enthusiasts. Delve into Africa's diverse landscapes, witness its inhabitants' unique moments and enhance your skills with our tailored advice. From group trips to customised experiences, we offer insights and tips to suit every photographer's journey. Discover the nuances of safari photography and let your passion for the wild shine through each shot.

Introducing Untamed Photo Safaris

Untamed Photo Safaris offer photographic journeys through Africa’s best wildlife spots. Guided by a professional wildlife photographer and aided by knowledgeable local experts, these small group tours dive deep into nature, empowering you to capture incredible wildlife images while learning more about this craft.

2024 Group Photographic Trips with Untamed Photo Safari

See all of Untamed Photo Safari group trips

Great Migration of the Mara

Witness the awe-inspiring Great Migration, where over 1.5 million wildebeest, zebra, and antelopes traverse the Serengeti, daringly cross the Mara River into Kenya, and provide photographers with the unparalleled spectacle of river crossings, as they leap into waters teeming with lurking Nile crocodiles.

16th - 24th August ‘24

Uganda Wildlife

In West Uganda's diverse landscapes, photographers can capture everything from the poignant moments of Mountain Gorillas and Chimpanzees to the grandeur of lions and elephants on the plains and the intricate details of the Three-Horned Chameleon and elusive African Leopards, making this journey a comprehensive showcase of Africa's rich biodiversity.

29th June - 11th July ‘24

  1. Patience is Key: Wildlife is unpredictable. Spend ample time in one spot and wait for the perfect moment, rather than constantly moving around.

  2. Golden Hours: The best light for wildlife photography is during the early morning and late afternoon, known as the golden hours, when the sun casts a soft, warm hue.

  3. Understand Your Subject: Research the species you're hoping to photograph. Knowing their habits, feeding times, and mating rituals can help anticipate their actions.

  4. Use the Right Gear: A good DSLR or mirrorless camera paired with a telephoto lens is typically essential. Consider a tripod for stability, especially with heavy lenses.

  5. Eye-level Shot: Get down to the eye level of the animal for a more intimate and engaging shot. This perspective creates a deeper connection between the subject and the viewer.

  6. Focus on the Eyes: An animal's eyes are expressive. Ensure they're sharp and in focus to capture the soul of the creature.

  7. Capture Behavior: A static image of an animal can be beautiful, but capturing a unique behavior (like hunting, playing, or interacting with others) can be more compelling.

  8. Composition Matters: Use techniques like the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing. Also, consider the background – a blurry, unobtrusive background can make your subject pop.

  9. Practice Ethical Photography: Prioritize the well-being of the animals. Don't bait or stress them, and always maintain a safe and respectful distance.

  10. Post-processing: Even the best shots can benefit from some tweaks. Learn to use software like Lightroom or Photoshop to enhance colors, sharpness and crop your images.

Remember, wildlife photography is as much about the experience and connection with nature as it is about the final image. Enjoy the process, and with time and practice, the results will follow!

Top 10 Tips for Wildlife Photography